Investigations of Faith in the Bible
Private Investigations and Consulting
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Volume 1
(1) - Introduction to Faith Studies
(2) - Satan's Attack on Adam's Faith
(3) - Abel's Faith - Cain's Lack of Faith
(4) - Enoch's Faith
(5) - Noah's Faith
(6) - The Faith of Abel, Enoch & Noah - Types of Christ
(7) - Abraham Called Out of Paganism - He had Faith
(8) - Abraham's Faith Falters - Labeling Sarah as His Sister
(9) - Abraham & Sarah Attempt & Failure By the Works of the Flesh
(10) - God's Covenant of Cirumcision with Abraham
(11) - Abraham - the Father of Isaac & All Who Believe
(12) - Abraham's Faith Tested - A Type of God's Gift of His Son
(13) - Sarah & Abraham's Faith
(14) - The Trial of Job's Faith by the World, the Flesh & the Devil
(15) - Isaac - Abraham's Son of God's Promise
(16) - Jacob the Supplanter
(17) - Jacob - The Ladder to Heaven - Rachael
(18) - Jacob - Israel's Faith
(19) - Joseph - A Type of Jesus Christ
(20) - Israel - God's Blessing to the Earth
(21) - Eight Borne Witness to by their Faith in Genesis
Volume 2
Moses - David
(1) - Faith in the Word of God Persevers
(2) - Moses' Education in Faith
(3) - The Faith of Moses Falters
(4) - Israel & The Body of Christ
(5) - Faith & Circumcision
(6) - Faith & Circumcision
(7) - Moses' Faith - Pharaoah's Unbelief
(8) - Moses' Faith - Pharaoah's Unbelief
(9) - Moses' Faith - Pharaoah's Unbelief
(10) - Abraham, Moses & the Law in Hebrews 11
(11) - Overview of Hebrews 11
(12) - Defeating the Enemy By Faith - Moses & the Red Sea
(13) - Israel's Lack of Faith
(14) - The Circumcision of the Believer
(15) - So Called Worship Music
(16) - Christmas Past, Present & Future
(17) - Joshua Mets the Pre-Incarnate Lord at Jericho
(18) - Rahab of Jericho's Faith
(19) - The Coprpoate Body of Israel
(20) - A Look Back from Joseph & Forward from Moses
(21) - Joshua's Victories in Caanan
(22) - Barak's Witness of Faith
(23) - Gideon Called to Be Israel's Judge
(24) - Gideon Tears Down the Alter to Baal
(25) - God Prepares Gideon for Battle
(26) - Gideon's Witness of Faith Pointed to Jesus Christ
(27) - Jephthah, Warrier Judge, but made a bad choise of words
(28) - Jephthah, Type of Christ's Return to Israel
(29) - The Birth, Dedication & Mission of Samson
(30) - Samson Loves a Philistine Girl & Kills a Lion Barehanded
(31) - Samson Marries a Philistine Girl who is burnt to death
(32) - Samson Tied & Delivered by His Own, But He Destroys Enemy
(33) - Samson & Delilah
(34) - Samson Dies, Killing His enemy the Philistines
(35) - Samuel & Four Others Born to Barren Women
(36) - Samuel Dedicated to The Lord's Work under Eli in the Tabernacle
(37) - God Speaks to Samuel about the death of Eli & His Sons
(38) - God Unilaterally Protects His Ark from the Philistines
(39) - Samuel & the Four other Godly Judges in Israel
(40) - Samuel & the Appointment & Blessing of King Saul
(41) - The Witness of Samuel's Faith
(42) - Samuel, Israel's Priest, Judge & Prophet, a Type of Christ
(43) - Samuel & David - Types of Jesus Christ
(44) - David, a Type of Jesus Christ
(45) - david vs Goliath - Type of Jesus' Faith
(46) - David vs Goliath - Type of Jesus' Faith
(47) - David vs Goliath - Type of Jesus' Faith
Volume 3
Matthew - John
(1) - Jesus, The Author & Finisher of Faith
(2) - Jesus, The Author & Finisher of Faith
(3) - Faith and the Four Gospel Authors
(4) - Satan Trying Jesus' Faith in the Wilderness
(5) - Satan Trying Jesus' Faith in the Wilderness
(6) - Satan Trying Jesus' Faith in the Wilderness
(7) - Satan Trying Jesus' Faith in the Wilderness
(8) - Satan Trying Jesus' Faith in the Wilderness
(9) - Jesus, The Author & Finisher of Faith
(10) - Recap of the "Faith" Words in the NT
(11) - The Centurian's Servant Healed
(12) - The Centurian's Servant Healed
(13) - Centurians in the NT
(14) - The 10 Centurians in the NT
(15) - Jesus Uttered The Word "Faith" 23 Of the 24 times the Word Faith is Found in The Gospels
(16) - "Faith" Taught by Jesus
(17) - Peter's Faith Tried by Satan
(18) - Faith Omitted from the Law by Israel's Leaders
(19) - The Faith of the Son of Man
(20) - Background of "Faith" in the Bible
(21) - Recap of the "Faith" Words in the NT
(22) - The Faithful & Wise Servant
(23) - The Faithful & Wise Servant
(24) - Thomas & "Faithful" in the Gospels
(25) - "Faithful" in the NT
(26) - "Of Little Faith" in the NT
(27) - "Of Little Faith" in the NT
(28) - "Of Little Faith" in the NT
(29) - "Of Little Faith" in the NT
(30) - "Of Little Faith" in the NT
(31) - "Of Little Faith" in the NT
(32) - Review of "Faith" Words in the NT
(33) - The First Three Times of Believe & Faith in the NT
(34) - Believers Throughout Israel's History
(35) - Zacharias Struck Deaf & Dumb as a Sign
(36) - God's Word to Zacharias, John the Baptist's Father
(37) - Repent & Believe the Gospel of the Kingdom
(38) - Repent & Believe the Gospel of the Kingdom
(39) - Repent & Believe the Gospel of the Kingdom
(40) - Repent & Believe the Gospel
(41) - The Parable of the Sower
(42) - The Parable of the Sower
(43) - Jesus Teaches Child Like Humility
(44) - Jesus' Parable of the Two Sons - Representing Israel
(45) - Raising 12-year old Girl from Dead & Healing the woman
(46) - Jesus Casts Out the Demon from Boy
(47) - Jesus Casts Out the Demon from Boy
(48) - The Doctrine of Devils
(49) - Incorruptable Heavenly Spiritual Bodies
(50) - Jesus Casts Out the Demon from Boy
(51) - Conscience
(52) - Jesus Casts Out Demons
(53) - Jesus Expels Demon from Boy
(54) - Jesus' Teaching about Believing during the Tribulation
(55) - The Unjust Stewart
(56) - Jewish Hyprocrites and Believers Waiting for the Kingdom
(57) - The Trial & Crucifiction of Jesus Christ
(58) - The Two Disciples on the Road to Emmaus
(59) - Christ's Great Commission to Israel
(60) - Christ in the Temple & on the Cross
(61) - The Hypocritical Belief of the Scribes & Pharasees
(62) - The Mysteries of the Kingdom of God - Parable of the Sower
(63) - The Revelation of the Mystery or Secret to the Apostle Paul
(64) - The Passing of Sign Gifts & the Secret of the Rapture
(65) - The Mystery or Secret of God's Will
(66) - The Mystery or Secret of Christ - Gentiles are Fellowheirs
(67) - The Mystery or Secret of Christ and the Church
(68) - The Mystery or Secret of the Gospel or of God
(69) - The Mystery or Secret of Iniquity
(70) - They Mystery or Secret or Iniquity
(71) - The Mystery or Secret of Godliness
(72) - Believed Not & Recap of Faith Words in the Gospels
(73) - The Unbelief of Jesus' Own Family
(74) - Introduction of John - Compared with The Other Three Gospels
(75) - Introduction of John - Jesus the Author & Finisher of Faith
(76) - Believing - Receiving the Word
(77) - Belief & Being Born of God
(78) - Born Again or From Above in John
(79) - The miraculous Signs in the Pentecostal Church
(80) - Nathaniel & Signs in John
(81) - Jesus, The Son of Man & Other Titles
(82) - The Pharasee Nicodemus
(83) - The Pharasee Nicodemus
(84) - John the Baptist - Barren Jewish Women
(85) - Samaritan Woman at the Well
(86) - Samaritan Woman at the Well
(87) - Significance of the eight (8) Signs in John
(88) - Significance of the eight (8) Signs in John
(89) - Significance of the eight (8) Signs in John
(90) - Believe, Life, Light & Truth in John
(91) - Jesus, The Bread of Life For Believers
(92) - Feast of Tabernacles & Others
(93) - The Woman Caught in Adultry
(94) - Jewish Atheists, Hypocrites & Believers
(95) - Eigth's (8th) Sign in John
(96) - The Son of God - of David - of Man - Titles
Volume 4
(1) - Faith & related words in Acts
(2) - The Pentecostal Church vis a vis The Body of Christ
(3) - The Holy Spirit's Work in Stephen & others
(4) - The Holy Spirit's work - Kingdom vs Grace
(5) - Stephen - the point of change from Kingdom to Grace Gospel
(6) - Man's communication with Heaven - real and phony
(7) - The Lord's communications to Paul - the Gospel of Grace
(8) - Stephen & The Son of Man in Heaven
(9) - Abraham's Faith - Works required under the Law of Moses
(10) - Acts - The book of Transition
(11) - Barnabas - the transition from Law to Grace
(12) - Abraham - the father of our Faith
(13) - Sermon - Abraham's DNA
(14) - The faith of the lame man in Lystra
(15) - Jesus Christ's Faith introducted in Acts
(16) - The word "faithful" in Acts
(17) - Introduction of the word "Believe" in Acts
(18) - Jerusalem Temple necessary for Israel's Kingdom Gospel
(19) - Israel's revealed program vs. Paul's secret program
(20) - The vain belief of Simon
(21) - The Etheopian Eunich & the Gospel of the Kingdom
(22) - Numbers in Acts - Peter & Paul
(23) - Men & Women Named In Acts - List of those raised from Dead
(24) - Micacles By Peter to the Saving of Cornelius
(25) - Peter's Kingdom Gospel To Paul and Barnabas Gospel of Grace
(26) - Satan - The Biggest Scammer in History - sermon
(27) - Ordained - Predestinated - Appointed
(28) - The Signs of Paul's Apostleship
(29) - God's Kingdoms
(30) - Acts - Transition from Kingdom Gospel to Grace Gospel
(31) - Acts - Transition from Kingdom Gospel to Grace Gospel
(32) - Resurrection Sunday Sermon - April 1, 2018
(33) - Paul at Thessalonica & Berea
(34) - Paul in Athens
(35) - Part 1 or Slide Show of Israel Tour - May 2018
(36) - Part 2 of Slide Show of Israel Tour - May 2018
(37) - Corinth - The Lord Jesus Christ's Words in Acts
(38) - Corinth - Paul’s Ministry to Kings, Jews & Gentiles
(39) - Announcing New Faith Studies Website
(40) - The Transitional Nature of the Corinthian Church
(41) - 29th Occasion of Believe in Acts & The Apostle Apollos:
(42) - 30th, 31st & 32nd Occasions of Believe in Acts - Paul in Ephesus:
(43) - Paul's 3rd & Last Recorded Missionary Journey - Money Collected for the Poor Jewish Saints in the Jerusalem Church:
(44) - Paul's Epistles and the Book of Acts:
(45) - Believe in Acts (33 & 34) - Elders, Disciples, Brethren, Evangelists and Saints:
(46) - 35th Occasion of Believe in Acts - Paul sent to the Gentiles - his attempt to reach Israel thwarted:
(47) - 36th Occasion of Believe in Acts: Paul rescued from Jerusalem and testifies he believes the entire Old Testament Scriptures:
(48) - The Significance of: The power of death; The Woman’s seed; Fathers and Blood
(49) - 37th & 38th Occasions of Believe in Acts: Paul Witnesses to King Agrippa, Bernice and Governor Festus:
(50) - 39th & Last Occasion in Acts of the Greek word pisteuo, i.e., believe: The Kingdom Gospel to Israel set aside with the preaching of the Gospel of God’s Grace to Gentiles and Jews alike:
Volume 5
Romans - Hebrews / Pauline Epistles
(1) - Introduction to the Pauline Epistles: The Perfect Design of Scripture: The Gospel of the Grace of God - through Faith:
(2) - Faith in Romans, Part 1 - The Obedience of Faith among all Gentile Nations:
(3) - Faith in Romans, Part 2: The Gospel revealed to Paul reveals the Righteousness of God and by which believers are saved and unbelievers are judged:
(4) - Faith in Romans, Part 3: The Gospel of Grace: Salvation for Believers but Judgment for Unbelievers:
(5) - Faith in Romans, Part 4: The Faith and to Whom it is Attributed:
(6) - Faith in Romans, Part 5: Two Sides of Faith: God’s and Man’s:
(7) - Faith in Romans, Part 6: Righteousness Through the Faith of Jesus Christ; the Righteousness of God by Faith - His Wonderful Christmas Gift to Us:
(8) - Romans 4: Abraham, The Father of Faith: Part 1:
(9) - Abraham, The Father of Faith, Part 2: Righteousness Imputed/Put on his Account as well as on Ours:
(10) - Faith in Romans - Abraham, Part 3 - The Father of all who Believe, whether Jew or Gentile:
(11) - Faith in Romans - Chapter 5 - Part 1: Joy/Glory In Tribulations:
(12) - Faith in Romans - Chapter 5 - Part 2 - Grace & Death; God’s Grace Shown, Proved, Established, Exhibited To Us By His death:
(13) - Faith in Romans - Chapter 5 - Part 3 - From Being Enemies of God to Rejoicing in Christ’s Finished Work of Atonement and being Blessed with all Spiritual Blessings in Heavenly Places:
(14) - Faith in Romans - Chapter 5 - Part 4: Death by Adam - Eternal Life by Jesus Christ our Lord:
(15) - Faith in Romans - Chapter 6 - Part 1: Since Believers are dead in Christ, should they continue in sin? - Let it not be; God’s Grace is not license to sin:
(16) - Faith in Romans - Chapter 6 - Part 2: Law vis a vis Grace; Yielding as Slaves to Sin and Death vis a vis To Righteousness:
(17) - Faith in Romans - Chapter 7: The Believer’s Relationship to the Law while being Born of Adam but Alive in the Body of Jesus Christ our Lord:
(18) - Faith in Romans - Chapter 8: No Condemnation/ Judgement on Believers in Christ Jesus who before were Sinners Condemned to Death:
(19) - Faith in Romans - Chapter 8, Part 2: The Believer’s “Abba Father,” Present Suffering & Glory to Follow:
(20) - Faith in Romans, Chapter 8, Part 3: The Sovereignty of God; While Believers suffer The Holy Spirit Intercedes & All Things Work Together for Good to Them:
(21) - Faith in Romans, Introduction to Chapters 9, 10 & 11; God’s promises to Israel and what has happened to them:
(22) - The Battle of the Wills or God’s Will for the Heavens and the Earth In the Fullness of Time
(23) - Romans 9:1 - 11: The Sovereignty of God in Election & Restoration:
(24) - Romans 9:12 - 29: The Sovereignty of God in Election & Restoration, Part 2:
(25) - Romans 9:30 - 10:8: The Sovereignty of God in Election & Restoration, Part 3: Faith Always necessary, whether Jew or Gentile:
(26) - Romans 10:5 - 21: Part 4: Faith by Hearing and Hearing by the Word of God; To Hear or not to Hear, that is the Question:
(27) - Romans 11: Part 5: Gentiles, Branches cut from the Wild Olive Tree vis-a-vis Israel, the Natural Olive Tree Branches:
(28) - Romans 11: Part 6: Election and Restoration; The Unfathomable Riches of the Wisdom and Knowledge of God:
(29) - Correction to Vol 5 - No 28 published May 24, 2021, titled: Romans 11: Part 6: Election and Restoration; The Unfathomable Riches of the Wisdom and Knowledge of God:
(30) - Romans: The Power of the Gospel of Christ revealed to The Apostle Paul:
(31) - (31) Romans: The Power of the Gospel, an in depth examination
(32) - The 66 occurrences of Justification/Righteousness in Romans:
(33) - Romans, the Linchpin of the Bible and the Believer’s Reasonable/ Logical Service:
(34) - Romans 12 - 13: The Believer’s Conduct; Rewards & Loss:
(35) - Romans 12:3 - 16: Thanksgiving for the Measure of Faith God has Given to Each Member of Christ’s Body Who are Called Saints:
(36) - Jesus, the Captain and Finisher of Faith, Through Which Salvation Comes by God’s Rich Mercy, Great Love and Grace:
(37) - “For whatsoever is not of faith is sin,” Romans 14:23b
(38) - Words Unique in the Pauline Epistles:
(39) - Introduction to the Corinthian Epistles, Part 1:
(40) - Introduction to the Corinthian Epistles, Part 2: Review of the Miraculous Sign Gifts Recorded in Acts:
(41) - Introduction to the Corinthian Epistles, Part 3: The Righteous, Albeit Carnal Corinthian Saints Demonstrate both the Holiness and Sinfulness in All Believers:
(42) - Faith In First Corinthians, Part 1: The Believer’s Faith Stands in the Power of God, Not in the Wisdom of Man; One Baptism into the Body of Christ By the Holy Spirit; Divisions Among the Members:
(43) - Faith In First Corinthians, Part 2: The Believer’s Faith Stands in the Power of God, Not in the Wisdom of Man:
(44) - Faith In First Corinthians, Part 3: It’s Not the Preacher’s Ability that Saves, It’s the Power of God By The Preaching of The Cross To Those Who are Being Saved:
(45) - Faith In First Corinthians, Part 4: 1 Corinthians 2:6 – 8: God’s Hidden Wisdom Kept Secret Provides Salvation to Mankind while Condemning Satan & His Fallen Angels:
(46) - Faith In First Corinthians, Part 5: The Carnal Corinthians - The Believer’s Primer to a Sanctified Life:
(47) - Faith In First Corinthians, Chapter 12: Spiritual Gifts; Part 1:
(48) - Faith In First Corinthians, Chapter 12; Spiritual Gifts - Part 2; The Nine in Corinth:
(49) - First Corinthians, Chapter 12, Part 3: The Corinthian’s Spiritual Gifts vis a vis the Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding Available to Believers Since Then:
(50) - Faith In First Corinthians, Chapter 12: The Body of Christ vis a vis Kings and The King of Kings and Lord of Lords:
(51) - Faith In First Corinthians, Chapter 13, The Way of Love & It’s Attributes; Part 1:
(52) - Faith In First Corinthians, Chapter 13, The Way of Love, Part 2:
(53) - First Corinthians, Chapter 13, Part 3; Now Abideth Faith, Hope & Love but the Greatest of these is Love:
(54) - First Corinthians 15; Part 1: The Believer’s Hope of Resurrection is Not Vain:
(55) - First Corinthians 15; Part 2: Baptism for the Dead? Resurrection, The Believer’s Hope but the Unbeliever’s dread:
(56) - First Corinthians 15; Part 3: Believers Stand Fast in the Gospel, Unmovable in the Glorious Hope - Eager Anticipation, of Resurrection, i.e., The Rapture:
(57) - First Corinthians 16: The Support and Fellowship Enjoyed by Believers Who are to Stand Fast in Faith Like Men and in Love:
(58) - Introduction to Second Corinthians; God’s Comfort/ Consolation/ Exhortation His Exhortation for Reciprocal Comfort Between Believers:
(59) - Second Corinthians 1: Recognition/Thanks for God’s Care and that of Fellow Believers; Standing Fixed In Faith in The Gospel of God’s Grace Revealed to the Apostle Paul:
(60) - Second Corinthians 2: Sympathy/Empathy by Believers; Satan’s Devices; Triumph of the Believer in Christ – a Sweet Odor to God:
(61) - 2nd Corinthians Chapter 3: Message of Christ Written on the Hearts of Believers Who Reflect the Glory of the Lord; Not on Tables of Stone or as Moses’ Face was Veiled To Israel:
(62) - 2nd Corinthians Chapter 4: The Spirit of Faith; The Message, Gospel & Truth revealed to Paul Reflects onto and from Believers while Satan blocks it from Unbelievers:
(63) - 2nd Corinthians Chapter 5:1 - 7: Everything the Believer Needs to Know about Their Present, Intermediate and Future Abodes In a Few Short Verses - All By Faith:
(64) - 2nd Corinthians Chapter 5:6– 10, Living By Faith, not by Sight & The Judgement Seat of Christ:
(65) - 2nd Corinthians 5:1 – 21: To Whom the “We” & “Us Refers;” Key Verses Words; A New Creation; The Fear of The Lord:
(66) - 2nd Corinthians 6:1 - 2; Believers Exhorted Not To Receive God’s Grace in Vain; The Resurrection of Jesus Christ In Isaiah’s Prophesy Addressed to Israel vis a vis the Apostle Paul’s Revelation to The Body of Christ:
(67) - 2nd Corinthians 6:3 - 18; Proof That Paul’s Apostleship is Genuine; Paul’s Exhortation To Members of Christ’s Body to Live According to God’s Calling:
(68) - 2nd Corinthians 7:1 - 16: Saints Are To Avoid Filthiness of the Flesh; The Deep Reciprocal Love Between Paul, Titus & the Corinthians; A Template For Believers Today:
(69) - 2nd Corinthians 8:1 - 24: Grace in the Form of Monies Collected from Members of the Body of Christ in Greece by Titus & a Brother in Christ For the Suffering Kingdom Saints in Jerusalem:
(70) - 2nd Corinthians 9:1 - 10:18; Giving Under The Law vs During this Age of Grace; Paul Defends His Ministry as Being Accomplished in the Power of The Lord:
(71) - Special Edition: Practical Christian Living – Philippians 4:1 – 9:
(72) - Special Edition: Serving & Worshiping God; Philippians 3:3, etc.:
(73) - 2 Corinthians 11:1 - 33: Paul’s Authority & Suffering as The Lord Jesus Christ’s Apostle vis a vis the Apparent Success of False Apostles at Corinth:
(74) - 2 Corinthians 12:1 – 13:1: Paul’s Defense of His Apostleship & His Conduct Toward the Corinthians Against the Accusations of False Prophets:
(75) - 1st & 2nd Corinthians - Summary:
(76) - Galatians - Introduction:
(77) - God’s Gift To Mankind - The Lord Jesus Christ Who Gave Himself For Sin And By Faith Sealed with the Holy Spirit:
(78) - Paul’s Prayer For Believers, Which Should Be The Prayer of All Believers today:
King James Bible
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Vol 4, No 47
Vol 4, No 49
The Significance of: The power of death; The Woman’s seed; Fathers and Blood
Volume 4, Number 48
Created Date: May 12, 2019
Posted Date: May 14, 2019
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Jim Humphrey
Vol 4, No 47
Vol 4, No 49