Jim Humphrey Consulting

Vol 5, No 75 Vol 5, No 77

Galatians - Introduction:

Volume 5, Number 76
Created Date: January 1, 2025
Posted Date: January 1, 2025

Herewith is the 290th Faith Study since the first one published on January 1, 2004, and thus we completed 21 years of publication. Grace and Peace to all in the year of our Lord 2025.

Information on the Internet indicates: “the Galatians were a Celtic tribe that invaded Asia Minor in the 3rd century BC. They settled in the central region of Asia Minor and established their own state, known as Galatia (in modern day Turkey). The Galatians preserved their language and religion, and also embraced Hellenic customs. Eventually, they were known as the ‘Gallo-Greeks.’ Paul the Apostle's missionary activities in the 1st century AD Christianized many Galatians. He wrote the Epistle to the Galatians for Galatian Christian communities.” Modern day Turkey includes the area inhabited by the Galatians about 2000 years ago. Turkey is now 99.8% Muslim.

George Williams Complete Bible Commentary states that whereas Paul reproved the Corinthians for practically denying the doctrine of sanctification, he had to correct the Galatians for corrupting the doctrine of justification. The evil of the Corinthians was moral whereas the evil of the Galatians was doctrinal. So, the epistle to the Galatians restates the foundation doctrine of justification by faith; it declares those who teach salvation by faith and by sacraments to be false teachers; and it predicts and approves their eternal punishment. “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.” Galatians 1:8 - 98 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

9 As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

. The Greek from which our English word accursed is translated means “excommunicated/cursed.

When Paul repeats something, it is for emphasis of a truth and in this case, it is a sobering thought for believers to consider. It should give Christians pause to think about adding any requirement for salvation to the Gospel Paul teaches in his epistles. For example, anyone who requires that to be saved they must confess their sin to a priest, be water baptized, speak in tongues or anything in addition to believing the Gospel Paul proclaims, i.e., in 1 Corinthians 15:1 - 41 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;

2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.

3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;

4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

and elsewhere in his epistles is “excommunicated/cursed.” However, this does not teach that someone practicing water baptism, or other such fleshly activities only as an outward testimony of their faith is accursed. Although Paul's epistles do not teach any such outward testimony as necessary. And so repeated for emphasis: Paul writes of anyone who teaches these fleshly practices as a requirement for salvation, is "excommunicated/cursed."

The Greek noun pis’tis (G4102) is almost always translated faith. It occurs 22 times in Galatians, the third most frequent in the Pauline epistles if you count Hebrews as written by Paul (40 in Romans and 32 in Hebrews). The Greek verb pisteu’o (G4100), almost always translated believe, occurs four times in Galatians; 2:7; 2:16; 3:6 & 22. Some may say that the only warning to believers in Galatians is to not follow or adhere to the Law of Moses. However, Satan and his followers possess imagination and creativity. They have recognized that whereas most Christians don’t really care for all the requirements of the law, they do like to participate in other works of the flesh and have replaced the works of the law with other practices. And thus, different denominations exist in the so-called “Chistian faith” that have created certain works of the flesh as required for salvation from eternal damnation. Many people have fallen for these false doctrines.

Galatians opens: “Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;) And all the brethren which are with me, unto the churches of Galatia:” Galatians 1:1 - 21 Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;)

2 And all the brethren which are with me, unto the churches of Galatia:

. Here, Paul states he was sent by God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul is truly unique in this. Failure to recognize the importance of this fact represents a big mistake because only one way grants salvation to eternal life: to simply believe what the Gospel Paul teaches in his epistles. In the second verse of his greeting Paul mentions all the brethren with him. It is interesting to think about Paul on his journeys and those who accompanied him. They probably traveled on foot although they may have used pack mules or donkeys to carry their supplies since Paul was a tent maker, which would require materials for that craft as well food, bedding, etc. to camp out when not near lodging in a town. The countryside through which they traveled was frequently infested with bandits so they must have been armed to protect themselves. Second Corinthians 11:21 - 27 provides a vivid description of the trials, tribulations, and physical abuse Paul endured to get the Gospel out. Even today, we should feel thankful for what Paul went through for our Lord Jesus Christ.

“Grace be to you and peace from God The Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ,” Galatians 1:33 Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ,

3 Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ,

. It is fortuitous that as I worked on this Faith Study the December 28, 2024 edition of The Berean Bible Society’s Two Minutes With The Bible publication was received. (Emailed out every day and you can subscribe to it at Berean@bereanbiblesociety.org.) This article was a repeat of one by Pastor Cornelius Stam and since it is right on point to Galatians 1:3 it is quoted in its entirety as follows:

“For many years, this writer (Pastor Stam), along with the mass of religious people, supposed that the Bible phrase “grace and peace be to you” was simply a beautiful, spiritual salutation. Thank God we have come to learn that it is much more than a salutation. It is an official proclamation.

Every single one of the epistles signed by St. Paul opens with the declaration: “Grace, be unto you and peace, from God, the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.” This was the theme of the message which he, as a duly appointed ambassador, had been sent to proclaim.

To appreciate this fully, we must remember that God had declared in prophecy that he would reply to the world’s rejection of Christ with judgment. Psalms 110:11 The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

pictures the father saying to the Son: “sit Thou at My right hand until I make Thine enemies Thy footstool. “Psalms 2:55 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.

declares: “then shall He speak unto them in His wrath, and vex them in His sore displeasure.”

After the crucifixion and ascension of Christ, it seemed that all was ready for the judgment to fall. As the signs of Pentecost appeared Peter declared: “This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel” (Acts 2:1616 But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;

) and it did indeed look as if the rejected Lord was about to return “to judge and make war,” as Revelation 19:1111 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.

puts it. But now, instead of judgment and war, St Paul proclaims grace and peace. Does this not indicate that in grace, God interrupted the prophetic program to bring in the present dispensation under which God’s ambassadors proclaim with Paul:

“But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: that as sin hath reigned… so might grace reign” Romans 5:20 - 2120 Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:

21 That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.


Indeed, Paul, the former persecutor was himself the living demonstration of God’s grace to a Christ-rejecting world. In 1 Timothy 1:15 - 1615 This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.

16 Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting.

he declares:

“This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.

“Howbeit, for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on Him for everlasting life.”

And thus, here we are 2000 years after Paul penned these words and still find Paul a pattern for all who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ’s finished work on the cross at Calvary for everlasting life.

Grace and Peace to all in 2025!

Jim Humphrey
Vol 5, No 75 Vol 5, No 77